DOP Finacle : Updated Module Wise Menu List 2024

DOP Finacle : Module Wise Menu List

DOP Finacle Menu List 2024

Finacle Menu Options

CIF IDs Related Menus for DOP Finacle

Menu Option Description
CDEDUP To see whether the customer is already an existing customer
CCRC/CIFCR For creation of CIF
CCRC/CIFCR CIF creation needs a verification by Supervisor
CMRC/CIFMD CIF Modification
CMRC/CIFMD Suspension of CIF ID
HCCA Merger of CIF ID
HCRV Inquiring of CIF IDs (Customer Relationship View) SB ACCOUNT

SB Account Related Menus for DOP Finacle

Menu Option Description
CASBAO/QDESA For opening a savings account
CASBAV/QDESAVF For verification of an opened account
CASBAOM/QDEMSABV For modification of an account BEFORE verification
CASBAM/QDEMSA For modification of an account AFTER verification
CTM/CXFER For cash and transfer transactions respectively
HPBP Pass Book Printing
HCAAC To close a savings account and for verification for closure
CNAC Finding out the new account number from the Old account number
HCBM Changing the status of the customer from Minor to Major

TD Account Related Menu for DOP Finacle

Menu Option Description
CMISAO/MISAOP To open an account
CMISAOPV/MISAVF Verification by Supervisor
CMISAOPM/MISAMBV To modify an account before verification
CMISAM/MISAMAV To modify an account after verification
TRCDP/CTM Fund an account by cash
TRTFR/HXFER/CXFER Fund an account by through transfer
HTDTRAN Transaction inquiry
TDRED/HTDREN To renew a TD account
HCAACTD/TDACTCL To close a TD account
HCAACVTD/TDACTCLV Verification of closure

MIS Account Related Menus in Finacle

Menu Option Description
CMISAOP/MISAO To open an account
CMISAOPV/MISAVF Verify the account
CMISAOPM/MISAMBV Modification Before Verification
CMISAM/MISAMAV Modification After Verification
HCAACTD For closure/pre-closure of the account
HCAACVTD Verification
HTM Interest to be paid by debiting SUNDARY DEPOSIT MIS

SCSS Account Related Menus in Finacle

Menu Option Description
CSCAOP/SCSSAO For opening an SCSS deposit account
CSCAOPM/SCSSMBV Modification BEFORE Verification
CSCAOPV/SCSSAV The account opening verification
CSCAM/SCSSMAV Account modification AFTER Verification
HCAACTD Closure of an SCSS account
HCAACVTD Closure verification

RD Account Related Menu in DOP Finacle

Menu Option Description
CRDOAAC/RDAOCM For opening of recurring deposit account
CRDOAACV/RDAOVF Verification of opening
CRDOAACM/RDMAO Modification in the account before verification
CRDACM Modification in the account After verification
RDAMT/CRDP RD Account transaction maintenance
CRDCAAC/RDACLM For closure of recurring deposit account
CRDCAACV/RDACLM Verification of the closure account
Finacle Menu Options

PPF Account Related Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
CPPFAO/PPFAO To open a PPF account
CPDTM Funding and for all the future deposits in the PPF account
CPWTM Part withdrawal
HAFSM To unfreeze the account
PPFAMBV/CPPFAOM PPF A/c can be modified before verification
PPFAMAVF/CPPFAM PPF A/c modification after verification
HCAAC To close a PPF account

NSC/KVP Account Related Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
CSCOAAC/NSCAO For Opening a NSC Account
HDRP For printing NSC
CSCOAACM/NSCAMBV Modification of an NSC account can be done BEFORE verification
CSCACM/NSCAM Modification AFTER Verification
CSCCAAC/NSCAC For closing an account; requires verification by the Supervisor
HPR Report can be viewed
CSCACM/NSCAM For modification of a KVP account
CSCCAAC/NSCAC For premature closure/closure on maturity of a KVP
HCCA Transfer of KVP Account from one customer to another customer
HACLITD For balance inquiry in a KVP account

Loan Against RD Account Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
CAOLARD/RDHWAO To open a loan account against RD
CAOMLARD/RDHWAMBV For Modification Before Verification
CACMLARD/RDHWAMAV For Modification After Verification
LARDD/RDHWDP For disbursement of the sanctioned amount
HLAUPAY For making unscheduled payments (for both bullet and monthly installment loans)
HLASPAY For making scheduled payments (for monthly installment loans)
HPAYOFF/CAACLA For closure of the account
HPAYOFF/CAACLA Verification of closure

Loan Account Against a PPF Account in Finacle

Menu Option Description
CLPPFAO/PPFLAO To open a loan account against PPF
CLPPFAOM/PPFLAMBV Modification before verification
CLPPFAM/PPFLAMAV Modification after verification
CPWTM/PPFWLINT For PPF Withdrawal, Loan Disbursement and Interest Recovery
Invoke the menu option CLPR and HACINT before proceeding with account closure Account closure preparation
CPDTM/PPFDPLR For the repayment of the loan and closing the loan account
CPDTM/PPFDPLR Verification

Office Accounts and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HIOT Inquire on transaction
HIOGLT Inquiry on GL transaction
HACLINQ Office Account Ledger Inquiry
HACLPOA Office A/c. Ledgers Print
Finacle Menu Options

Interest Inquiries and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HAITINQ Account Interest Inquiry
HCUIR Customer Interest Inquiry
HAINTRPT Account Interest report
HINTTI Interest Details Inquiry
HLINTI Inquiry on Interest
HIARM Interest Adjustment

Charges Inquiry and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HCCI Customer wise charges Inquiry
IFD Inquire Fee details
CCCSA Closed Charges For Silent Account
HGCHRG General Fees

Clearing Inquiries and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HPICSL Print inward clearing statement
HMICZ Print inward clearing validation report
HREJREP Clearing rejection report
HINWREMI Inward Remittance Details Report
HOUTREMI Outward Remittance Details Report
HOIQ Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry
HTRFTOPC Transfer File to PC

Loan Accounts Inquiry and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HCULA Loan accounts of customer report
HLNGI Loan General Details
HLACLI Ledger Inquiry

Customer Inquiries and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HACS Account Selection
HACSP Account selection and Print
HACCBAL Components of account balance
HACCBALI Account balance inquiry
HACLI Account Ledger inquiry
HABMR Account below minimum balance report
HACLPCA Account ledger print
HCUACC Account of customer
HCRV Customer Search
HCUDET Inquire on General Details of Customer
HACI Signature Verification
VSPH View Signature and Photograph List

Cheque Books and Reports Menu in Finacle

Menu Option Description
HCHBI Cheques book issue inquiry
HISAI Inventory Split and Inquiry
HIIA Inventory Inquiry All
HIMI Inquire on Inventory Movement
HISI Inquiring on the inventory

Other Inquiry and Reports

Menu Option Description
HBR Balancing report
HQBR Quick balancing report
HPR Print report
HISTR Inter sol transaction report
HISAR Inter sol audit report
HEXCPRPT Exceptions Report
HFINRPT FINRPT Report Generation
HGR General Report
HPDB Day Book printing
HSPRG Generate Stop Payment Register Report
HSCWRPT Shroff Cash Report
CATREP Accounts Transfer Report
HMR Monthly/Yearly Statistical report
CSCB Scheme Balances
CNSR HNSR (Monthly/Yearly Nomination Statistical Reports)
HMEMOPAD Memo pad Maintenance
Finacle Menu Options

Deposits Inquiry and Reports

Menu Option Description
HACDET Account details
HGDET General details
HRELACI Renewed account inquiry
HPLIST Pending installment List (Recurring Deposit)
HCUMAT Customer accounts maturities
HCUTD Term Deposit of the customer
HDTRS Deposit Transactions Report Summary
HRENHIST Term Deposit Renewal History Details of Account
HTDSIP Tax Report Options
HTDSREP Customer Wise TDS Report

Transactions Inquiry and Reports

Menu Option Description
HFTI Financial Transaction Inquiry
HFTR Financial Transaction Report
HTCPIAE Teller cash position Inquiry – employee
HTCPIAC Teller cash position Inquiry- currency
HOCI Outward cheques Inquiry
HABI Balance Inquiry
HACSBIO A/c. Shadow Balance Inquiry
CNSTRP Transactions Report

Savings Account Inquiry and Reports

Menu Option Description
CATREP Accounts transfer Report
CCHQREP Cheques Report Generation
CMITMA Minor to Major Report
CRVACC Dormant Accounts revived Report
CSIREP Silent account Report
CAFUREP Account Freeze and Unfreeze Report
CWAREP Welcome Kit Account Report
CWDREP Report of SB Withdrawals above Rs.10000
HACDET A/c. Balance Details
CNAC Old Accounts Details Look Up
HACCDET Inquire on General Details of Account
HAFSM Account freeze/Unfreeze
HSSII Inquire on standing instructions maintenance
HSIREPTS Standing Instructions Reports

Day End Menu in DOP Finacle

Menu Option Description
HFTI Financial Transaction Inquiry
HSCOD To Change Date (Day End)
HSCOLD SOL Closure for Last Day
HSSI Inquire on SOL status

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